com·fort zone noun
1. a place or situation where one feels safe or at ease and without stress. “times when we must act beyond our comfort zones”

When I see the image above, I think of the old adage below,

One of the things I’ve noticed about effectively implementing Agile is it always seems to require that at least one, if not several team members get out of their comfort zone. And while everyone usually wants the benefits of implementing Scrum or some other Agile methodology, it is rare to find a team member that is actually willing to cheerfully get outside of their comfort zone.
It reminds me of how many of us want to lose 5 lbs (or more!) but don’t want to watch what we eat and get more active because it takes us out of our comfort zone. It is easier to give in to the craving and not push ourselves past where we are comfortable and so we remain in the same ole’ place. Sometimes there is fear associated with the resistance as well. Using the weight example, I may know what I like to eat that has caused me to be overweight but what will I eat if I don’t eat what I’m used to? What if I don’t like it? What if it takes too long to prepare or is more expensive? Change can be scary for some people, so in a team setting we also need to manage the different time frames that various team members are able and willing to adopt change.
- Do you agree that the magic happens outside of our comfort zone?
- Do you have any tools to help your team get out of their comfort zone?
- Could you use some coaching on how to coach your team to get out of their comfort zone?
I’m going to do a series on how to help your team get out of their comfort zone with practical exercises, tips, and experiences from what has and has not worked for me.
Stay tuned for more!